micromix EM is a proprietary blend of biological formulation of plant growth promoting microbes, biological controls and EPF’s along with bio fertilizer consortium. MicromixEM contains consortia of different bacillus species, pseudomonas spp,EPF spp, Trichoderma spp and also NPK,Zn,fe consortium. it contains high concentration of highly viable cell which are in dormant stage and proliferate quickly after being applying fields.
Benefits : Protect plants from various fungal & Bacterial diseases like damping off, stem rot,collar rot, bacterial and fungal leaf spots , rust, blight, tikka, anthracnose etc
micromix em improves soil fertility, texture, structure & organic carbon by its biological activity of decomposition of existing agriculture waste
It contain : Azotobacter, phospho bacater (PSB), KMB, Bacillus spp. Amyloliquificians, subtilis, lechiformis, Polymyxa, Pumilus, Megaterium, pseudomonas spp.flurescens, straita
Trichoderma Spp. viride, harzianum.
Vesecular Arbuscular Mycorhiza,
Entomo Pathogenci fungi metarhizium anisopliae , Beauveria bassiana,
Consortium of organic compounds like humic acid , Seaweed extract, Protien hydrolysates, fulvic acid etc
Dosage : Subject of plant age and crop veriety
Packing : 10 Kg
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