
Alternaria fruit spot

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Alternaria fruit spot


For 1 liter of water 5ml Liquid required




Alternaria fruit spot

Alternaria fruit spot, also known as Alternaria alternata, is a fungal disease that causes black spots and fruit rot on pomegranates: 

    • Symptoms

      Small, reddish-brown or black spots appear on the fruit, which can coalesce into larger patches. The fruit may also be lighter in weight and have a slightly off-color rind. In later stages, the arils may decay and turn brown, and the fruit may shrivel. 

    • On leaves

      Small, reddish-brown or black spots appear on the leaves, surrounded by a green yellow halo. The spots can grow larger and cause the leaves to turn chlorotic and fall off prematurely. 

  • When it occurs

    Infections often start in the orchard after rain during flowering and early fruit development. 

  • How to control it

    For 1 liter of water 5ml Liquid required

    for 1 lit water =5ml em solution

    EM Solution = 1lit

  • Factors that affect it
    Trees with dense canopies and large, dark-green leaves are more resistant to Alternaria alternata than trees with transparent canopies and small, light-green leaves. 

Symptoms (common)

  • Small reddish brown circular spots appear on the fruits.
  • As the disease advances these spots, coalesce to form larger patches and the fruits start rotting.
  • The arils get affected which become pale and become unfit for consumption.