
Neck Blast మెడ విరుపు తెగులు

Original price was: ₹920.00.Current price is: ₹490.00.

EM lit :5ml/1lit



Neck Blast మెడ విరుపు తెగులు

All aboveground parts of the rice plant (leaves, leaf collar, culm, culm nodes, neck, and panicle) are attacked by the fungus initial symptoms are white to gray-green lesions or spots with brown borders

*Small specks originate on leaves – subsequently enlarge into spindle shaped spots(0.5 to 1.5cm length, 0.3 to 0.5cm width) with ashy center.

*older lesions elliptical or spindle-shaped and whitish to gray with necrotic borders Several spots coalesce to form big irregular patches.

*Nodal infection causes the culm to break at the infected node
Internodal infection also occurs at the base of the plant which causes white panicles similar to that induced by yellow stem borer or water deficit

*Lesions on the neck are grayish brown and causes the girdling of the neck and the panicle to fall over
If infection of the neck occurs before milk stage, no grain is formed, but if infection occurs later, grains of poor quality are formed
Lesions on the branches of the panicles and on the spikelet pedicels are brown to dark brown

*The size and shape of the spots vary on different rice varieties.

*Lesions on leaves with grey centre and brown margin
Spindle shaped lesions on leaves

Leaf Blast

Severe cases of infection – entire crop give a blasted or burnt appearance- hence the name “BLAST”
Severe cases – lodging of crop (after ear emergence)

Neck Blast

Neck region of panicle develops a black colour and shrivels completely / partially grain set inhibited, panicle breaks at the neck and hangs

One Acer
*Prabha ప్రభ : 500ml
*Danda దండ: 500 ml


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